Pukhraj Stone Price
The Pukhraj stone price depends on the color and clarity of the gemstone. Bright yellow or lemon-yellow sapphires are considered more valuable than less vivid ones. Similarly, the size of these rare gemstones affects their prices, as larger stones are more likely to be naturally unclean. A larger and clearer pukhraj stone will increase the price per carat. Ceylon yellow sapphire stone The Ceylon yellow sapphire stone price depends on several factors. The first is the quality of the stone. If it is a naturally grown gemstone, then the cost will be much cheaper than an artificially grown one. Moreover it should be from a reputable dealer. Beware of fake gemstones, as they do not offer the same astrological benefits as the genuine ones. The Ceylon yellow sapphire is a stone ruled by Jupiter, making it a good choice for astrological purposes. It is available in a wide variety of yellow shades, and the deeper the yellow, the better the result will be. This gemstone is also...